You are here: Applications » TopicType » ApplicationTopic

a part of an application

02 May 2019 - 19:27 | Version 1 |

Install ApplicationTopic

Target web:

Select a web where to deploy this component.


An ApplicationTopic is a topic that belongs to a WikiApplication. TopicTypes, TopicFunctions, TopicViews etc are all ApplicationTopics as they belong to some WikiApplication. Based on this information all parts of an application are gathered to create documentation and use it for packaging purposes.

See also :

Topics of type 'ApplicationTopic'

Create a new ApplicationTopic




ApplicationTopic form

Name: Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes:Sorted descending Default:
Summary text 75   short description or tagline c  
WikiApplication wikiapp 1   application this topic belongs to c  
TopicType label 1 ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic topic type   ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
TopicTitle text 75        

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