WikiApplication to develop WikiApplications

02 May 2019 - 19:27 | Version 1 |
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The WikiWorkbench is a standardized way to write and deploy WikiApplications. It is WikiApplication to write WikiApplications. At its core it establishes a certain terminology (such as TopicTypes and TopicFunctions) that are common in non-web applications. A WikiWorkbench implements a standard set of means to ease the administration of even large-scale WikiApplication. WikiApplications, i.e. its TopicFunctions ease the extraction of application documentation. Merging a set of applications obeying this framework into the same web grants a higher level of compatibility and re-usability.


Type Hierarchy

G ApplicationLicense ApplicationLicense ApplicationTopic ApplicationTopic ApplicationTopic->ApplicationLicense DataForm DataForm ApplicationTopic->DataForm DataFormAttribute DataFormAttribute ApplicationTopic->DataFormAttribute DocuTopic DocuTopic ApplicationTopic->DocuTopic TopicStub TopicStub ApplicationTopic->TopicStub TopicTemplate TopicTemplate ApplicationTopic->TopicTemplate TopicView TopicView ApplicationTopic->TopicView WebTool WebTool ApplicationTopic->WebTool WikiApplication WikiApplication ApplicationTopic->WikiApplication WikiTopic WikiTopic WikiTopic->ApplicationTopic TopicType TopicType DataForm->TopicType TopicFunction TopicFunction DocuTopic->TopicFunction DocuTopic->TopicType



License for WikiApplications
Every WikiApplication comes with an ApplicationLicense. A topic of this type must have a notice section that will be displayed on components that make use of this license. The notice section contains a short summary of the ApplicationLicense.

See also ApplicationLicenseViewTemplate, ApplicationLicenseEditTemplate ... read more


A topic that is part of an application
An ApplicationTopic is a topic that belongs to a WikiApplication. TopicTypes, TopicFunctions, TopicViews etc are all ApplicationTopics as they belong to some WikiApplication. Based on this information all parts of an application are gathered to create documentation and use it for packaging purposes.

TopicTypes that are derived from ApplicationTopic:

See also ApplicationTopicViewTemplate, ApplicationTopicEditTemplate ... read more


DataForm definitions
DataForms add structured information to wiki topics.

See also: DataFormTemplate, DataFormViewTemplate, DataFormEditTemplate, DataForms ... read more


Value definitions for formfields in a DataForm
A DataFormAttribute, also called form field or form attribute, is a part of a DataForm. It may be used as an entity that defining all values a form field can take by using listing them in a FoswikiTable

See also: DataFormAttributeTemplate, DataFormAttributeViewTemplate, DataFormAttributeEditTemplate ... read more


Topics that contain pure documentation.
This type is attached to topics that contain documentation. DocuTopics have a "documentation" section marked using


See also: DocuTopicTemplate, DocuTopicViewTemplate, DocuTopicEditTemplate

These sections can be extracted dynamically using RenderApplicationDocumentation. In general documentation should be as "near" to the application component as possible, that is it should be embedded into the topic the component represents.

For example all TopicFunctions should be DocuTopics too. The documentation of TopicFunctions are then aggregated on a master DocuTopic that contains calls to RenderApplicationDocumentation for a set of components that are a kind of group, e.g. all types, forms, views and templates implementing a certain model.

WikiApplications can contain documentation too. But if the documentation reaches a certain complexity it should be moved to separate DocuTopics that the WikiApplication topic links to.

DocuTopics, as all TopicTypes belong to a certain WikiApplication and can thus be grouped and distinguished.

TopicTypes that are derived from DocuTopic:


A placeholder or redirect topic
This is a type of topics that has no own net data but includes all data from another topic. Thereby content from another web can be integrated into this web without reduplication. Every TopicStub has a rather rigid structure and varies only in its target topic (see TopicStub).

This TopicType is similar to TopicFunctions but does not compute a specific function. Moreover it is useful to reduce redundancy of pure content, whereas TopicFunctions are part of a WikiWorkbench library and thus reduce redundancy in WikiApplications.

See also: TopicStubTemplate, TopicStubViewTemplate, TopicStubEditTemplate ... read more


Blueprints for wiki topics
A TopicTemplate is used to create new topics and serves as a kind of blueprint of its content. For example, the simple topic creator takes a TopicTemplate and a DataForm definition to initialize the new topic with the given properties by using the TopicTemplate for the content, and attaching the given DataForm.

See also TopicTemplateTemplate, TopicTemplateViewTemplate, TopicTemplateEditTemplate ... read more


TopicType of all TopicTypes
The TopicType is the root of the type system of the WikiWorbench. Every WikiTopic has got one or more TopicTypes. TopicTypes always define a DataForm, where a type indicates the properties and use of the form being attached to a topic.

TopicTypes overcome Foswiki's limitation to only allow one form to be attached to a topic. If you'd like to attach a second form to a topic, create a new DataForm that mixes two others and indicate this by merging the resulting TopicType properties. This procedure is the recommended way to derive new TopicTypes from existing ones building on top of them, e.g. by augmenting a CategorizedTopic with additional formfields.

TopicTypes have a special property that you might use to indicate a special way of derivation by means of inheritance. There is no real inheritance in Foswiki but the way of thinking when dealing with objects and types can be clarified this way.

When you start writing a WikiApplication, first think of the data objects you will need and create TopicTypes for each.

... read more


Views and editors
A TopicView defines a view for a topic. By default WikiTopics are displayed using the installed skin and the templates (don't confuse with TopicTemplate being a content blueprint for newly created topics). The view (compare with the 'view' term from the Model-View-Control school) computes the appearance of a WikiTopic and its form data. A new view is assigned to a topic by setting the VIEW_TEMPLATE variable.

For example the following will set th view to use the HiddenFormViewTemplate to hide the form table that is normally displayed below the wiki content.

   * Set VIEW_TEMPLATE = HiddenFormView

Note, that the ...Template string is appended automatically by the Foswiki engine.

Note also, that we use the TopicView type to mark even those views that are used during editting a wiki topic and is assigned using something like

   * Set EDIT_TEMPLATE = FormEdit

As such the FormEditTemplate is not used during Foswiki's view operation but during edit. The template is then used to render the view on the editor to be used. Edit templates either augment the normal Foswiki editor, or even implement a full substitute for its form data. ... read more


TopicType for topics on the administrative level
Note, that there is no creator to build a topic of this kind as it is a pure "marker type", that is topics are created with another creator tool and then in addition marked to be an WebTool. Topics of this type are ApplicationTopics too and take associated DataForm.

See also WebToolViewTemplate, WebToolEditTemplate ... read more


TopicType of a WikiApplication
Normally there's only one WikiApplication topic in a wiki application as created using the WikiWorkbench. This will be used to capture the CompleteDocumentation, including version and license information.

See also: WikiApplicationTemplate, WikiApplicationViewTemplate, WikiApplicationEditTemplate ... read more


create a normal wiki topic
The WikiTopic form can be used for a wide range of TopicTypes that only need to be marked as being of a given TopicType. If you need more structure then you have to define a specific form that extends the attributes of the WikiTopic form. That is, the attributes defined here are a minimal set of attributes that all DataForms should share.

Every TopicType is used in combination with one DataForm, that is associated with it, either this generic WikiTopic form or a more specific one. Multiple TopicTypes can share the same form. In this case such a form must allow to select from a set of TopicTypes to mark it properly. A common case is where one TopicType uses one specific DataForm. Note, that a topic can be of several TopicTypes which indicates that it fullfills several duties at once. So by marking a topic of being of types Ta and type Tb you indicate that the attached form contains all form attributes that are in form Fa and from Fb, given that type Ta comes with form Fa and Tb with Fb.

See also: WebTopicEditTemplate ... read more



License for WikiApplications
Every WikiApplication comes with an ApplicationLicense. A topic of this type must have a notice section that will be displayed on components that make use of this license. The notice section contains a short summary of the ApplicationLicense.

See also ApplicationLicenseViewTemplate, ApplicationLicenseEditTemplate ... read more


A topic that is part of an application
An ApplicationTopic is a topic that belongs to a WikiApplication. TopicTypes, TopicFunctions, TopicViews etc are all ApplicationTopics as they belong to some WikiApplication. Based on this information all parts of an application are gathered to create documentation and use it for packaging purposes.

TopicTypes that are derived from ApplicationTopic:

See also ApplicationTopicViewTemplate, ApplicationTopicEditTemplate ... read more


DataForm definitions
DataForms add structured information to wiki topics.

See also: DataFormTemplate, DataFormViewTemplate, DataFormEditTemplate, DataForms ... read more


Value definitions for formfields in a DataForm
A DataFormAttribute, also called form field or form attribute, is a part of a DataForm. It may be used as an entity that defining all values a form field can take by using listing them in a FoswikiTable

See also: DataFormAttributeTemplate, DataFormAttributeViewTemplate, DataFormAttributeEditTemplate ... read more


Topics that contain pure documentation.
This type is attached to topics that contain documentation. DocuTopics have a "documentation" section marked using


See also: DocuTopicTemplate, DocuTopicViewTemplate, DocuTopicEditTemplate

These sections can be extracted dynamically using RenderApplicationDocumentation. In general documentation should be as "near" to the application component as possible, that is it should be embedded into the topic the component represents.

For example all TopicFunctions should be DocuTopics too. The documentation of TopicFunctions are then aggregated on a master DocuTopic that contains calls to RenderApplicationDocumentation for a set of components that are a kind of group, e.g. all types, forms, views and templates implementing a certain model.

WikiApplications can contain documentation too. But if the documentation reaches a certain complexity it should be moved to separate DocuTopics that the WikiApplication topic links to.

DocuTopics, as all TopicTypes belong to a certain WikiApplication and can thus be grouped and distinguished.

TopicTypes that are derived from DocuTopic:


DataForm for WebLexicon entries


A placeholder or redirect topic
This is a type of topics that has no own net data but includes all data from another topic. Thereby content from another web can be integrated into this web without reduplication. Every TopicStub has a rather rigid structure and varies only in its target topic (see TopicStub).

This TopicType is similar to TopicFunctions but does not compute a specific function. Moreover it is useful to reduce redundancy of pure content, whereas TopicFunctions are part of a WikiWorkbench library and thus reduce redundancy in WikiApplications.

See also: TopicStubTemplate, TopicStubViewTemplate, TopicStubEditTemplate ... read more


Blueprints for wiki topics
A TopicTemplate is used to create new topics and serves as a kind of blueprint of its content. For example, the simple topic creator takes a TopicTemplate and a DataForm definition to initialize the new topic with the given properties by using the TopicTemplate for the content, and attaching the given DataForm.

See also TopicTemplateTemplate, TopicTemplateViewTemplate, TopicTemplateEditTemplate ... read more


TopicType of all TopicTypes
The TopicType is the root of the type system of the WikiWorbench. Every WikiTopic has got one or more TopicTypes. TopicTypes always define a DataForm, where a type indicates the properties and use of the form being attached to a topic.

TopicTypes overcome Foswiki's limitation to only allow one form to be attached to a topic. If you'd like to attach a second form to a topic, create a new DataForm that mixes two others and indicate this by merging the resulting TopicType properties. This procedure is the recommended way to derive new TopicTypes from existing ones building on top of them, e.g. by augmenting a CategorizedTopic with additional formfields.

TopicTypes have a special property that you might use to indicate a special way of derivation by means of inheritance. There is no real inheritance in Foswiki but the way of thinking when dealing with objects and types can be clarified this way.

When you start writing a WikiApplication, first think of the data objects you will need and create TopicTypes for each.

... read more


Views and editors
A TopicView defines a view for a topic. By default WikiTopics are displayed using the installed skin and the templates (don't confuse with TopicTemplate being a content blueprint for newly created topics). The view (compare with the 'view' term from the Model-View-Control school) computes the appearance of a WikiTopic and its form data. A new view is assigned to a topic by setting the VIEW_TEMPLATE variable.

For example the following will set th view to use the HiddenFormViewTemplate to hide the form table that is normally displayed below the wiki content.

   * Set VIEW_TEMPLATE = HiddenFormView

Note, that the ...Template string is appended automatically by the Foswiki engine.

Note also, that we use the TopicView type to mark even those views that are used during editting a wiki topic and is assigned using something like

   * Set EDIT_TEMPLATE = FormEdit

As such the FormEditTemplate is not used during Foswiki's view operation but during edit. The template is then used to render the view on the editor to be used. Edit templates either augment the normal Foswiki editor, or even implement a full substitute for its form data. ... read more


TopicType for topics on the administrative level
Note, that there is no creator to build a topic of this kind as it is a pure "marker type", that is topics are created with another creator tool and then in addition marked to be an WebTool. Topics of this type are ApplicationTopics too and take associated DataForm.

See also WebToolViewTemplate, WebToolEditTemplate ... read more


TopicType of a WikiApplication
Normally there's only one WikiApplication topic in a wiki application as created using the WikiWorkbench. This will be used to capture the CompleteDocumentation, including version and license information.

See also: WikiApplicationTemplate, WikiApplicationViewTemplate, WikiApplicationEditTemplate ... read more


create a normal wiki topic
The WikiTopic form can be used for a wide range of TopicTypes that only need to be marked as being of a given TopicType. If you need more structure then you have to define a specific form that extends the attributes of the WikiTopic form. That is, the attributes defined here are a minimal set of attributes that all DataForms should share.

Every TopicType is used in combination with one DataForm, that is associated with it, either this generic WikiTopic form or a more specific one. Multiple TopicTypes can share the same form. In this case such a form must allow to select from a set of TopicTypes to mark it properly. A common case is where one TopicType uses one specific DataForm. Note, that a topic can be of several TopicTypes which indicates that it fullfills several duties at once. So by marking a topic of being of types Ta and type Tb you indicate that the attached form contains all form attributes that are in form Fa and from Fb, given that type Ta comes with form Fa and Tb with Fb.

See also: WebTopicEditTemplate ... read more



Template to create DataForm topics


TopicTemplate for DocuTopics


Template to create TopicFunctions

  • ...

... read more


Template to create a TopicTemplate


Template to create TopicTypes

... read more


TopicTemplate to generate a WikiApplication topic



View for the atom feeds


TopicView to edit the DataForm only


View for the rss feeds


TopicView to edit the topic text only


Minimal TopicView usefull to generate xml output


Template to create TopicViews


TopicView to edit a WikiTopic


Generic topic view



returns a list of TopicTypes known in the base web
This is a "getter" TopicFunction that returns a list of known TopicTypes in a given web. Use it to create a selection in DataForms for the TopicType formfield. It adds the "none" type so that you can have (temporarily) un-typed topics. The type "TopicType" is added hardcoded so that you don't have to rely on that type being present in your web and to allow bootstrapping a type system in a web from scratch on as you will be able to create an initial TopicType TopicType this way.

  • WEBS: list of webs to search for TopicTypes, defaults to BASEWEB
  • EXCLUDE: expression to exclude types (optional)
  • ADDITION: types that are listed additionally (optional)

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Extracts the documentation section from all parts of a WikiApplication
  • NAME: application name, defaults to BASEWEB
  • THEWEB: web to search for docu, defaults to BASEWEB
  • TYPE: extract documentation of topics of the given type
  • NOTTYPE: don't list topics of that type

  • twbDocuHolder
  • twbDocuSectionHolder
  • twbDocuSectionSummary
  • twbDocuSectionText ... read more


Render a list of all files making up a given application


Renders a list of DataForms that make use of the given DataFormAttribute


Render a list of topics that use a given TopicFunction


Renders a widget to select an image attached to a topic
Select an image attached to a SOURCE topic


... read more


Fallback to render a summary for WikiTopic that does not have a type specific version of to render an index item
This method is called by RenderCategory to display a summary for an object. This method serves as a final fallback when no other TopicType-specific method was found.


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a directed graph of TopicType inheritance
This function requires DirectedGraphPlugin

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renders a list of recent changes in a web
This uses solr and infintescroll to create a frontpage widget.

  • HEIGHT: height of scroll container, defaults to 40em
  • LIMIT: number of rows to render, defaults to 20
  • PAGE: from which page to start rendering
  • THEWEB: the web to render recent changes for
  • FILTER: filter to be added to the search query

... read more


default implementation of an rss view of a single topic
This method is called by RssViewTemplate for each topic found. Note that this is a base-implementation for all TopicTypes processed. Individual TopicTypes may implement their own version called MyTopicTypeRenderRss. These are then called automatically using the %DBCALL{"web.topic->RenderRss"}% method call of the RssViewTemplate.

  • OBJECT: the current topic

... read more


Render the sidebar navigation for the WikiWorkbench


TopicFunction to display a simple form to create a new topic
This function renders a topic creator form that holds a set of initial input elements to create a topic.

  • TEXT: headline text; defaults to "Create a new INCLUDINGTOPIC"
  • LABEL: label of the TopicTitle field, defaults to "Title"
  • BUTTONTEXT: text on the twisty buttinm; default New
  • VALUE: initial value of the title input field (optional)
  • VALUES: map of initial values to formfields; format is <fieldName1>=<value1>;<fieldName2>=<value2>;...
  • TOPICVALUE: initial value of the topic input field, e.g. SomeTopicAUTOINC0
  • FORM: DataForm to be used when creating a topic, defaults to WikiTopic
  • TEMPLATE: TopicTemplate to be used (optional)
  • TYPE: initial TopicType value, defaults to values predefined in the form definition
  • PARENT: parent topic for the new topic, defaults to the BASETOPIC
  • WHITEBOARD: switch on/off the whiteboard textarea
  • EXTRA: additional formfields
  • ACTION: script to be used to create the topic, eg save or edit, defaults to edit
  • EDITOR: TopicView to be used as an edit_template

... read more


Render a simple factory to deploy a topic in another web
This is a tool to add a topic based application, or part of it to another web. This is done by creating a TopicStub that points back to the implementation. For example, to add a new TopicType to web, you create a TopicStub that points back to the implementation of that TopicType.

The function will display a small input form to specify the web where the TopicStub is to be created.

  • TEXT: headline for the install form, defaults to "Install BASETOPIC"
  • NAME: name of the topic to be created, defaults to BASETOPIC
  • SOURCE: used to specify the TopicStub's target to be created, defaults to BASEWEB.BASETOPIC
  • PARENT: topicparent of the new topic, defaults to HOMETOPIC
  • TEMPLATE: TopicTemplate used to create this topic, defaults to TopicStubTemplate
  • FORM: DataForm used for this topic, defaults to TopicStub
  • TYPE: type of the new topic, defaults to TopicStub
  • WIKIAPP: the name of the WikiApllication this topic belongs to, defaults to BASEWEB
  • EXTRA: extra stuff to be send during save

... read more


Display thumbnail image for a topic
This function gets the first image attachment from a topic and creates a 48x48 thumbnail using ImagePlugin. The attachment taken must end with jpeg, jpg, gif, bmp, svg or png. If there are multiple image attachments then the first one ordered by comment and name is taken. The empty string is returned if no image attachment is found.

  • OBJECT: topic to generate a thumbnail for
  • ALIGN: optional alignment of image, defaults to right
  • SIZE: optional size of thumbnail
  • TYPE: image rendering type, see documentation of ImagePlugin, defaults to simple
  • CROP
  • TOOLTIP: switch on/off tooltips for thumbnails, defaults to on
  • SORT: specifies which image to chose from the attachments, defaults to comment:name which will take the one that sorts first wrt the comment, falling back to the name

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Display a table of topcis of a given type
  • TYPE: the TopicType to be searched for, defaults to BASETOPIC
  • FIELDS: columns of formfields to display, defaults to Topic, Summary, WikiApplication, Changed
  • SORT: sorting of rows, defaults to "Changed"
  • REVERSE: sorting direction, defaults to "off", defaults to "on" if SORT="Changed"
  • ROWS: number of rows to display initially, defauts to 10
  • FILTER: additional filter expression (optional)
  • THEWEB: web to examin, defaults to BASEWEB
  • ROWNUMBERS: boolean toggle to switch on/off row numbers
  • <field_name>_title: column title for the given field
  • <field_name>_width: column width for the given field
  • <field_name>_formatter: column formatter for the given field; possible values: topic, date, integer, number, currency ... read more


Renders a form to create a new WikiApplication
This is used to create a new WikiApplication

... read more


Renders a dashboard for an application web
Renders the Applications of a WikiApplication subweb


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This function renders an editor for a normal WikiTopic to be displayed at the topic of the text tab.


  • FORM: name of the form definition, defaults to Applications.WikiTopic
  • FIELDS: fields to be edited, defaults to TopicTitle, Summary

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This function renders a view for a wiki topic, showing its title and the summary line.


  • OBJECT: the topic to render the view for, defaults to %BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%
  • TITLE_EXTRA: optional addition put behind the topic title
  • DISPLAYREVISIONINFO: boolean flag to switch on/off revinfo rendered underneath the h1 element

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#Sorted ascending Name Type
  License for WikiApplications
  Editor for ApplicationLicenses
  a TopicView for ApplicationLicenses
  A topic that is part of an application
  Editor for ApplicationTopics
  TopicView for ApplicationTopics
  View for the atom feeds
  Editor for DataForms
  DataForm definitions
  Value definitions for formfields in a DataForm
  Editor for DataFormAttributes
  Template to create DataFormAttributes
  TopicView for DataFormAttributes
  Template to create DataForm topics
  TopicView for DataForms
  Topics that contain pure documentation.
  Editor for DocuTopics
  TopicTemplate for DocuTopics
  TopicView for DocuTopics
  What's next: first steps after creating a new workbench web
  TopicView to edit the DataForm only
  returns a list of TopicTypes known in the base web
  Standard Open Source License
  View to hide System.DataForms
  DataForm for WebLexicon entries
  Extracts the documentation section from all parts of a WikiApplication
  Render a list of all files making up a given application
  Renders a list of DataForms that make use of the given DataFormAttribute
  Render a list of topics that use a given TopicFunction
  Renders a widget to select an image attached to a topic
  Fallback to render a summary for WikiTopic that does not have a type specific version of to render an index item
  a directed graph of TopicType inheritance
  renders a list of recent changes in a web
  default implementation of an rss view of a single topic
  Render the sidebar navigation for the WikiWorkbench
  TopicFunction to display a simple form to create a new topic
  Render a simple factory to deploy a topic in another web
  Display thumbnail image for a topic
  Display a table of topcis of a given type
  Renders a form to create a new WikiApplication
  Renders a dashboard for an application web
  View for the rss feeds
  TopicView to edit the topic text only
  Minimal TopicView usefull to generate xml output
  Function library
  Editor for TopicFunctions
  Template to create TopicFunctions
  TopicView for TopicFunctions
  A placeholder or redirect topic
  Editor for TopicStubs
  Template for TopicStubs
  TopicView for TopicStubs
  Blueprints for wiki topics
  Editor for TopicTemplates
  Template to create a TopicTemplate
  TopicView for TopicTemplates
  TopicType of all TopicTypes
  Editor for TopicTypes
  Template to create TopicTypes
  TopicView for TopicTypes
  Views and editors
  editor for TopicViews
  Template to create TopicViews
  TopicView for TopicViews
  Library of all WikiApplications installed on AustLII Communities
  Preferences of the Applications web
  TopicType for topics on the administrative level
  Editor for WebTools
  TopicView for WebTools
  TopicType of a WikiApplication
  Editor for WikiApplications
  TopicTemplate to generate a WikiApplication topic
  TopicView for WikiApplications
  create a normal wiki topic
  TopicView to edit a WikiTopic
  Generic topic view
1 ApplicationLicense TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
2 ApplicationLicenseEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
3 ApplicationLicenseViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
4 ApplicationTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
5 ApplicationTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
6 ApplicationTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
7 AtomViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
8 DataEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
9 DataForm TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
10 DataFormAttribute TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
11 DataFormAttributeEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
12 DataFormAttributeTemplate TopicTemplate, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
13 DataFormAttributeViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
14 DataFormTemplate TopicTemplate, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
15 DataViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
16 DocuTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
17 DocuTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
18 DocuTopicTemplate TopicTemplate, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
19 DocuTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
20 FirstSteps DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
21 FormEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
22 GetTopicTypes TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
23 GnuGeneralPublicLicense ApplicationLicense, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
24 HiddenFormViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
25 LexiconForm DataForm, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
26 RenderApplicationDocumentation TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
27 RenderApplicationManifest TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
28 RenderDataFormList TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
29 RenderFunctionCallers TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
30 RenderImageSelector TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
31 RenderIndexItem TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
32 RenderInheritanceGraph TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
33 RenderRecentChanges TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
34 RenderRss TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
35 RenderSideBar TopicFunction, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
36 RenderSimpleTopicCreator TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
37 RenderTopicInstaller TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
38 RenderTopicThumbnail TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
39 RenderTopicsOfType TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
40 RenderWikiApplicationFactory TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
41 RenderWikiApplicationWebHome TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
42 RenderWikiTopicEditor TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
43 RenderWikiTopicView TopicFunction, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
44 RssViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
45 TextEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
46 TextViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
47 TopicFunction TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
48 TopicFunctionEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
49 TopicFunctionTemplate TopicTemplate, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
50 TopicFunctionViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
51 TopicStub TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
52 TopicStubEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
53 TopicStubTemplate TopicTemplate, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
54 TopicStubViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
55 TopicTemplate TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
56 TopicTemplateEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
57 TopicTemplateTemplate TopicTemplate, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
58 TopicTemplateViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
59 TopicType TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
60 TopicTypeEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
61 TopicTypeTemplate TopicTemplate, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
62 TopicTypeViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
63 TopicView TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
64 TopicViewEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
65 TopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
66 TopicViewViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
67 WebHome ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
68 WebPreferences ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
69 WebTool TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
70 WebToolEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
71 WebToolViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
72 WikiApplication TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
73 WikiApplicationEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
74 WikiApplicationTemplate TopicTemplate, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
75 WikiApplicationViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
76 WikiTopic TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
77 WikiTopicEditTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic
78 WikiTopicViewTemplate TopicView, ApplicationTopic, WikiTopic

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