Management objectives

Section 315 of the Planning Act sets out the specific purposes for which public land may be used (see list above). Each of these purposes have management objectives that will apply to the area of land in question. These management objectives are set out in Schedule 3 of the Planning Act (see table below). Each area of public land must be managed in accordance with the management objectives that apply to the area alongside the public land management plan for the area (s 316).

The management objectives are ranked in order of precedence. If an inconsistency arises in their application then objective one takes precedence over objective two, and so on (s 317(4)). For example, in a national park, any attempt to provide opportunities for a recreational activity must be considered in light of the area’s primary objective of conserving the natural environment.

The conservator can also specify other management objectives for an area of public land (s 317(2)). Management objectives are disallowable instruments, that is, they must be submitted to the Legislative Assembly, which can then vote to disallow them. Should an inconsistency arise between the application of a management objective set out in Schedule 3 and one specified by the conservator, the former takes precedence.

Where the objective refers to the ‘natural environment’, it has the broad meaning of referring to all biological, physical and visual elements of the earth and its atmosphere, whether natural or modified (s 317(6)).

Schedule 3

Special Purpose

Management Objective

Wilderness area

  1. To conserve the natural environment in a manner ensuring that disturbance to that environment is minimal.
  2. To provide for the use of the area (other than by vehicles or other mechanised equipment) for recreation by limited numbers of people, so as to ensure that opportunities for solitude are provided.

National park

  1. To conserve the natural environment.
  2. To provide for public use of the area for recreation, education and research.

Nature reserve

  1. To conserve the natural environment.
  2. To provide for public use of the area for recreation, education and research.

Special purpose reserve

1. To provide for public and community use of the area for recreation and education.

Urban open space

1 . To provide for public and community use of the area.

2. To develop the area for public and community use.

Cemetery or burial ground

1. To provide for the interment or cremation of human remains and the interment of the ashes of human remains.

Protection of water supply

  1. To protect existing and future domestic water supply.
  2. To conserve the natural environment.
  3. To provide for public use of the area for education, research and low-impact recreation.


  1. To prevent and control floods by providing a reservoir to receive flows from rivers, creeks and urban run-offs.
  2. To prevent and control pollution of waterways.
  3. To provide for public use of the lake for recreation.
  4. To provide a habitat for fauna and flora.

Sport and recreation reserve

1. To provide for public and community use of the area for sport and rec reation.

Heritage area

  1. To conserve natural and cultural heritage places and objects, including Aboriginal places and objects.
  2. To provide for public use of the area for recreation, education and research as appropriate, and having proper regard to natural and cultural values.

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