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Annotated Bibliography of COVID-19 Legal Literature

Updated 30 March 2025

The annotated bibliography is arranged into A) Literature B) Organisations and C) Blogs and websites.

Part A: Scholarship and selected professional literature
  • BY TOPIC. Part A below on this page begins with books and then other literature, which is divided into broad topics - general legal literature followed by more specific topics. Where appropriate, we have included articles under two or more topic headings. A note on the jurisdiction is included if this is not immediately obvious from the citation or abstract. We have only included literature written in English, and relevant literature in other languages is thus inevitably excluded.
  • BY JURISDICTION: see Scholarship by Jurisdiction
Part B lists selected organisations with dedicated COVID-19 legal publications sites.

Part C lists selected websites, databases, special issues of journals, blogs and other online fora.

The bibliography can be browsed by the topic headings below or searched - using the search box at the top of the screen. You can search for a word in the citation or abstract, and also for a jurisdiction. The search function supports basic Boolean searches (AND / OR). Please note that a search will not take you to a list of citations: it will only take you to the page on which that word is found - you then need to do a control+F to find the instances of the word on that page.

This bibliography is a collaboration between the University of Melbourne Law School COVID-19 Research Network and AustLII. The General Editor of the bibliography is Robin Gardner.

More information about this Bibliography

Part A - Scholarship and Professional Literature


Articles, Research Papers & Book Chapters

Part B - International, Regional & Domestic Organisations

Part C - Journals, Databases, Websites & Blogs

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