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*About AntibullyingKB
* *This knowledge-base is based on the Fair Work Commission Benchbook "Anti-bullying" *
*The Fair Work Commission provides information about Anti-bullying
* *The Fair Work Commission provides the database of the Fair Work Commission decisions categorised by keywards such as "bullied at work" or "reasonable management action" *
*Under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) a work who has been bullied at work may applies to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop bullying.
*This KB is drafted to allow the users to navigate the relevant parts of the legislations to find out whether the Fair Work Commission may make an order to stop bullying.
*This KB provides the user with the following goals.
*1. May the Fair Work Commission make an order to stop bullying?
*The KB will examine whether the Fair Work Commission may make an order to stop bullying from the outset.
2. Who is covered by Fair Work Act 2009?
*The KB will examine whether a work is eligible to make an application.
*The Fair Work Commission provides the eligibility quiz.
*3. When is a worker bullied at work?
*The KB will examine whether a worker has been bullied at work under the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and thus the Act applies.
*4. When can the Fair Work Commission dismiss an application?
*The KB will examine whether the Fair Work Commission can dismiss an application for an order to stop bullying.
*Disclaimer set out in the Fair Work Commission Benchbook Anti-bulling applies to this KB.
*This KB is not a substitue for independent professional advice. */ VERBS acces~s~ses~sed beha~ve~ves~ved belie~ve~ves~ved carr~y~ies~ied chan~ge~ges~ged conduc~t~ts~ted contro~l~ls~led crea~te~tes~ted decla~re~res~red den~y~ies~ied direc~t~ts~ted disclo~se~ses~sed dismis~s~es~sed for~m~ms~med ha~ve~s~d introdu~ce~ces~ced investiga~te~tes~ted lac~k~kes~ked ma~ke~kes~de perfor~m~ms~msed recei~ve~ves~ved refu~se~ses~sed PERSON the applicant PERSONTHING a person conducting a business or undertaking GOAL RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF - may the Fair Work Commission make an order to stop bullying? PROVIDES the Fair Work Commission may make any order to prevent the applicant from being bullied at work by individual or group ONLY IF the applicant is eligible to make an application AND the Fair Work Commission may not dismiss an application GOAL RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FC - who is covered by Fair Work Act 2009? PROVIDES the applicant is eligible to make an application ONLY IF the applicant is a worker AND the applicant reasonably believes that the applicant is bullied at work AND the applicant is bullied at work RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FC(2) - worker PROVIDES the applicant is a worker ONLY IF the applicant is not a member of the Defence Force AND Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FJ does not apply AND Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FK does not apply AND Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FL does not apply AND the applicant is a worker within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 7 RULE Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 7 - meaning of worker PROVIDES the applicant is a worker within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 7 ONLY IF the applicant is an employee OR the applicant is a contractor or subcontractor OR the applicant is an employee of a labour hire company who has been assigned to work in the person’s business or undertaking OR the applicant is an outworker OR the applicant is an apprentice or trainee OR the applicant is a student gaining work experience OR the applicant is a volunteer (except a volunteer with a volunteer association with no employees) OR the applicant is a person of a prescribed class OR the applicant is the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, a Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police or an AFP employee OR the applicant is a person who is the holder of, or acting in, an office established by a law of the Commonwealth or a law of a Territory (other than the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island) OR the applicant is a person who constitutes, or is acting as the person constituting, a public authority OR the applicant is a person who is, or is acting as, a member or a deputy member of a public authority OR the applicant is a person who is, or is acting as, a member or a deputy member of a body established by or under an Act establishing a public authority for a purpose associated with the performance of the functions of the public authority OR the applicant is an individual who carries out work in business or undertaking of the applicant OR the applicant carries out work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FJ - exclusion PROVIDES Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FJ applies ONLY IF the Chief of the Defence Force declared by legislative instrument that all or specified provisions of Fair Work Act 2009 - part 6-4B do not apply in relation to a specified activity RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FK - exclusion PROVIDES Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FK applies ONLY IF the Director-General of Security declared by legislative instrument that all or specified provisions of Fair Work Act 2009 - part 6-4B do not apply in relation to a person carrying out work for the Director-General RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FL - exclusion PROVIDES Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FL applies ONLY IF the Director-General of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service declared by legislative instrument that all or specified provisions of Fair Work Act 2009 - part 6-4B do not apply in relation to a person carrying out work for the Director-General RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FC(1) - reasonable belief PROVIDES the applicant reasonably believes that the applicant is bullied at work ONLY IF the applicant believes actually and genuinely that the applicant is bullied at work AND there is evidence on an abjective basis to support the belief or other rational basis for the holding of the belief GOAL RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD - when is a worker bullied at work? PROVIDES the applicant is bullied at work ONLY IF Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) applies AND Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(b) applies AND Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) applies AND Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(2) does not apply RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) PROVIDES Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) applies ONLY IF the applicant is at work in a constitutionally-covered business AND there is bullying behaviour AND unreasonable behaviour is repeated AND the applicant is at work while there is bullying behaviour RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(3) - constitutionally-covered business PROVIDES the applicant is at work in a constitutionally-covered business ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking conducts a business or undertaking within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5 AND BEGIN a person conducting a business or undertaking is a constitutional corporation OR a person conducting a business or undertaking is the Commonwealth OR a person conducting a business or undertaking is Commonwealth authority OR a person conducting a business or undertaking is a body corporate incorporated in a Territory OR the business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Territory or Commonwealth place END RULE Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5 - person conducting a business or undertaking PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking conducts a business or undertaking within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5 ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is not a person who engaged solely as a worker in, or as an officer of, that business or undertaking AND a person conducting a business or undertaking is not an elected member of a local authority in that capacity conduct a business or undertaking AND a person conducting a business or undertaking is not a volunteer association within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5(8) AND a person conducting a business or undertaking conducts a business or undertaking within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5(1) RULE Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5(8) - volunteer association PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking is a volunteer association within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5(8) ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is a group of volunteers working together for one or more community purposes where none of the volunteers, whether alone or jointly with any other volunteers, employs any person to carry out work for it RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 12 - constitutional corporation PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking is a constitutional corporation ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking is a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is a foreign corporation OR a person conducting a business or undertaking is a trading corporation or a financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation - foreign corporation PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking is a foreign corporation ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is a corporation formed outside of Australia which employs an employee to work in its business in Australia RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation - trading or financial corporation PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking is a trading corporation or a financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is a trading corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth OR a person conducting a business or undertaking is a financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation - trading or financial corporation - trading corporation PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking is a trading corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is providing goods or services for payment AND the trading activity is a sufficiently significant proportion of overall activities of a person conducting a business or undertaking AND a person conducting a business or undertaking is formed within the limits of the Commonwealth RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation - trading or financial corporation - financial corporation PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking is a financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is a corporation which borrows and lends or otherwise deals in finance as its principal or characteristic activity AND the financial activity is a sufficiently significant proportion of the activities of a person conducting a business or undertaking AND a person conducting a business or undertaking is formed within the limits of the Commonwealth RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(3) - constitutionally-covered business - Commonwealth PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking is the Commonwealth ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is the Commonwealth of Australia represented by Government Department or Commonwealth entity, including a Commonwealth Authority or a body corporate incorporated in a Territory RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 12 - Commonwealth authority PROVIDES a person conducting a business or undertaking is Commonwealth authority ONLY IF a person conducting a business or undertaking is a body corporate established for a public purpose by or under a law of the Commonwealth OR BEGIN a person conducting a business or undertaking is a body corporate incorporated under a law of the Commonwealth or a State or a Territory AND a person conducting a business or undertaking is a body corporate in which the Commonwealth has a controlling interest END RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(3) - constitutionally-covered business - in a Territory or Commonwealth place PROVIDES the business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Territory or Commonwealth place ONLY IF the business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Territory OR the business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Commonwealth place RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(3) - constitutionally-covered business - in a Territory or Commonwealth place - Commonwealth place PROVIDES the business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Commonwealth place ONLY IF the business or undertaking is conducted principally in a place acquired by the Commonwealth for public purposes AND the business or undertaking is conducted principally in a place other than the seat of government RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) - bullying behaviour PROVIDES there is bullying behaviour ONLY IF an individual or a group of individuals behaves unreasonably towards the applicant, or a group of workers of which the applicant is a member RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) - repeated behaviour PROVIDES unreasonable behaviour is repeated ONLY IF there is more than one occurrence RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) - at work PROVIDES the applicant is at work while there is bullying behaviour ONLY IF the applicant is performing work regardless of the physical location of the applicant or the time of day while an individual or a group of individuals behaves unreasonably towards the applicant, or a group of workers of which the applicant is a member OR BEGIN there is the use of social media to engage in bullying behaviour AND the applicant accesses it while the applicant is at work END RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(b) PROVIDES Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(b) applies ONLY IF unreasonable behaviour creates a risk to health and safety RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(b) - risk to health and safety PROVIDES unreasonable behaviour creates a risk to health and safety ONLY IF there is the possibility of danger to health and safety AND there is exposure to the chance of injury or loss which is real and not simply conceptual AND unreasonable behaviour is a substantial cause of the risk viewed in a common sense and practical way RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) PROVIDES Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) applies ONLY IF there is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or group RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) - likely to continue PROVIDES IF the applicant is not dismissed (or no longer in the employment/contract relationship) THEN IF BEGIN there is not change in circumstances AND there is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the same individual or group who found to have bullied the applicant END THEN there is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or group ELSE there is not a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or group IF the applicant is dismissed (or no longer in the employment/contract relationship) THEN IF BEGIN there is the potential to return to the workplace in some capacity as a worker AND there is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the same individual or group who found to have bullied the applicant END THEN there is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or group ELSE there is not a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or group RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) - likely to continue - change in circumstances PROVIDES there is change in circumstances ONLY IF there is the relocation or dismissal of the person or persons named OR there is the relocation of the applicant OR there is the introduction of a workplace anti-bullying policy OR there is the delivery of anti-bullying or other appropriate training OR there is changes to rosters OR there is changes to reporting requirements OR a person conducting a business or undertaking introduces changes in the workplace to specifically address the issues around the bullying behaviour RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(2) PROVIDES Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(2) applies ONLY IF the behaviour is reasonable management action carried out in a reasonable manner GOAL RULE when can the Fair Work Commission dismiss an application? PROVIDES the Fair Work Commission may dismiss an application ONLY IF Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FE(2) applies OR Fair Work Act 2009 - section 587 applies RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FE(2) - power to dismiss application PROVIDES Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FE(2) applies ONLY IF the application of the applicant is an application which might involve matters that relate to Australia's defence OR the application of the applicant is an application which might involve matters that relate to Australia's defence Australia's national security OR the application of the applicant is an application which might involve matters that relate to an existing or future covert operation (within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 12E) of the Australian Federal Police OR the application of the applicant is an application which might involve matters that relate to an existing or future international operation (within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 12E) of the Australian Federal Police RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 587 - general power to dismiss application PROVIDES Fair Work Act 2009 - section 587 applies ONLY IF the application is not made in accordance with Fair Work Act 2009 and Fair Work Regulations 2009 OR the application is frivolous or vexatious OR there is not reasonable prospects of success /* Links */ LINK access it while TO LINK actually and genuinely TO LINK changes to rosters TO LINK Commonwealth entity, including a Commonwealth Authority or a body corporate incorporated in a Territory TO LINK exposure to the chance of injury or loss which is real and not simply conceptual TO LINK frivolous or vexatious TO LINK more than one occurrence TO LINK providing goods or services for payment TO LINK reasonable management action carried out in a reasonable manner TO LINK reasonable prospects of success TO LINK regardless of TO LINK the introduction of a workplace anti-bullying policy TO LINK the possibility of danger to health and safety TO LINK the potential to return to the workplace in some capacity as a worker TO LINK the same individual or group who found to have bullied TO LINK unreasonably towards TO LINK work in any capacity for TO LINK a body corporate established for a public purpose by or under a law of the Commonwealth TO LINK a body corporate incorporated under a law of the Commonwealth or a State or a Territory TO LINK a business or undertaking within the meaning TO LINK a corporation formed outside of Australia which employs an employee to work in its business in Australia TO LINK a corporation which borrows and lends or otherwise deals in finance as its principal or characteristic activity TO LINK a substantial cause of the risk viewed in a common sense and practical way TO LINK a sufficiently significant proportion of overall activities TO LINK a sufficiently significant proportion of the activities TO

/** This knowledge-base is based on the Fair Work Commission Benchbook "Anti-bullying"** The Fair Work Commission provides the database of the Fair Work Commission decisions categorised by keywards such as "bullied at work" or "reasonable management action"**/
PERSON the applicantPERSONTHING a person conducting a business or undertaking
GOAL RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF - may the Fair Work Commission make an order to stop bullying? PROVIDESthe Fair Work Commission may make any order to prevent the applicant from being bullied at work by individual or group ONLY IFthe applicant is eligible to make an application ANDthe Fair Work Commission may not dismiss an application
GOAL RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FC - who is covered by Fair Work Act 2009? PROVIDESthe applicant is eligible to make an application ONLY IFthe applicant is a worker ANDthe applicant reasonably believes that the applicant is bullied at work ANDthe applicant is bullied at work
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FC(2) - worker PROVIDESthe applicant is a worker ONLY IFthe applicant is not a member of the Defence Force ANDFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FJ does not apply ANDFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FK does not apply ANDFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FL does not apply ANDthe applicant is a worker within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 7
RULE Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 7 - meaning of worker PROVIDESthe applicant is a worker within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 7 ONLY IFthe applicant is an employee ORthe applicant is a contractor or subcontractor ORthe applicant is an employee of a labour hire company who has been assigned to work in the person’s business or undertaking ORthe applicant is an outworker ORthe applicant is an apprentice or trainee ORthe applicant is a student gaining work experience ORthe applicant is a volunteer (except a volunteer with a volunteer association with no employees) ORthe applicant is a person of a prescribed class ORthe applicant is the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, a Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police or an AFP employee ORthe applicant is a person who is the holder of, or acting in, an office established by a law of the Commonwealth or a law of a Territory (other than the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island) ORthe applicant is a person who constitutes, or is acting as the person constituting, a public authority ORthe applicant is a person who is, or is acting as, a member or a deputy member of a public authority ORthe applicant is a person who is, or is acting as, a member or a deputy member of a body established by or under an Act establishing a public authority for a purpose associated with the performance of the functions of the public authority ORthe applicant is an individual who carries out work in business or undertaking of the applicant ORthe applicant carries out work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FJ - exclusion PROVIDESFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FJ applies ONLY IFthe Chief of the Defence Force declared by legislative instrument that all or specified provisions of Fair Work Act 2009 - part 6-4B do not apply in relation to a specified activity
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FK - exclusion PROVIDESFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FK applies ONLY IFthe Director-General of Security declared by legislative instrument that all or specified provisions of Fair Work Act 2009 - part 6-4B do not apply in relation to a person carrying out work for the Director-General
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FL - exclusion PROVIDESFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FL applies ONLY IFthe Director-General of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service declared by legislative instrument that all or specified provisions of Fair Work Act 2009 - part 6-4B do not apply in relation to a person carrying out work for the Director-General
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FC(1) - reasonable belief PROVIDESthe applicant reasonably believes that the applicant is bullied at work ONLY IFthe applicant believes actually and genuinely that the applicant is bullied at work ANDthere is evidence on an abjective basis to support the belief or other rational basis for the holding of the belief
GOAL RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD - when is a worker bullied at work? PROVIDESthe applicant is bullied at work ONLY IFFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) applies ANDFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(b) applies ANDFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) applies ANDFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(2) does not apply
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) PROVIDESFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) applies ONLY IFthe applicant is at work in a constitutionally-covered business ANDthere is bullying behaviour ANDunreasonable behaviour is repeated ANDthe applicant is at work while there is bullying behaviour
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(3) - constitutionally-covered business PROVIDESthe applicant is at work in a constitutionally-covered business ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking conducts a business or undertaking within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5 ANDBEGINa person conducting a business or undertaking is a constitutional corporation ORa person conducting a business or undertaking is the Commonwealth ORa person conducting a business or undertaking is Commonwealth authority ORa person conducting a business or undertaking is a body corporate incorporated in a Territory ORthe business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Territory or Commonwealth placeEND
RULE Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5 - person conducting a business or undertaking PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking conducts a business or undertaking within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5 ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is not a person who engaged solely as a worker in, or as an officer of, that business or undertaking ANDa person conducting a business or undertaking is not an elected member of a local authority in that capacity conduct a business or undertaking ANDa person conducting a business or undertaking is not a volunteer association within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5(8) ANDa person conducting a business or undertaking conducts a business or undertaking within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5(1)
RULE Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5(8) - volunteer association PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking is a volunteer association within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 5(8) ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is a group of volunteers working together for one or more community purposes where none of the volunteers, whether alone or jointly with any other volunteers, employs any person to carry out work for it
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 12 - constitutional corporation PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking is a constitutional corporation ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies
RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking is a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is a foreign corporation ORa person conducting a business or undertaking is a trading corporation or a financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth
RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation - foreign corporation PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking is a foreign corporation ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is a corporation formed outside of Australia which employs an employee to work in its business in Australia
RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation - trading or financial corporation PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking is a trading corporation or a financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is a trading corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth ORa person conducting a business or undertaking is a financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth
RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation - trading or financial corporation - trading corporation PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking is a trading corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is providing goods or services for payment ANDthe trading activity is a sufficiently significant proportion of overall activities of a person conducting a business or undertaking ANDa person conducting a business or undertaking is formed within the limits of the Commonwealth
RULE Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - section 51 - constitutional corporation - trading or financial corporation - financial corporation PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking is a financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is a corporation which borrows and lends or otherwise deals in finance as its principal or characteristic activity ANDthe financial activity is a sufficiently significant proportion of the activities of a person conducting a business or undertaking ANDa person conducting a business or undertaking is formed within the limits of the Commonwealth
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(3) - constitutionally-covered business - Commonwealth PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking is the Commonwealth ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is the Commonwealth of Australia represented by Government Department or Commonwealth entity, including a Commonwealth Authority or a body corporate incorporated in a Territory
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 12 - Commonwealth authority PROVIDESa person conducting a business or undertaking is Commonwealth authority ONLY IFa person conducting a business or undertaking is a body corporate established for a public purpose by or under a law of the Commonwealth ORBEGINa person conducting a business or undertaking is a body corporate incorporated under a law of the Commonwealth or a State or a Territory ANDa person conducting a business or undertaking is a body corporate in which the Commonwealth has a controlling interestEND
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(3) - constitutionally-covered business - in a Territory or Commonwealth place PROVIDESthe business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Territory or Commonwealth place ONLY IFthe business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Territory ORthe business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Commonwealth place
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(3) - constitutionally-covered business - in a Territory or Commonwealth place - Commonwealth place PROVIDESthe business or undertaking is conducted principally in a Commonwealth place ONLY IFthe business or undertaking is conducted principally in a place acquired by the Commonwealth for public purposes ANDthe business or undertaking is conducted principally in a place other than the seat of governmentRULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) - bullying behaviour PROVIDESthere is bullying behaviour ONLY IFan individual or a group of individuals behaves unreasonably towards the applicant, or a group of workers of which the applicant is a member
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) - repeated behaviour PROVIDESunreasonable behaviour is repeated ONLY IFthere is more than one occurrence
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(a) - at work PROVIDESthe applicant is at work while there is bullying behaviour ONLY IFthe applicant is performing work regardless of the physical location of the applicant or the time of day while an individual or a group of individuals behaves unreasonably towards the applicant, or a group of workers of which the applicant is a member ORBEGINthere is the use of social media to engage in bullying behaviour ANDthe applicant accesses it while the applicant is at workEND
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(b) PROVIDESFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(b) applies ONLY IFunreasonable behaviour creates a risk to health and safety
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(1)(b) - risk to health and safety PROVIDESunreasonable behaviour creates a risk to health and safety ONLY IFthere is the possibility of danger to health and safety ANDthere is exposure to the chance of injury or loss which is real and not simply conceptual ANDunreasonable behaviour is a substantial cause of the risk viewed in a common sense and practical way
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) PROVIDESFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) applies ONLY IFthere is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or group
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) - likely to continue PROVIDESIFthe applicant is not dismissed (or no longer in the employment/contract relationship)THEN IFBEGINthere is not change in circumstances ANDthere is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the same individual or group who found to have bullied the applicantENDTHENthere is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or groupELSEthere is not a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or groupIFthe applicant is dismissed (or no longer in the employment/contract relationship)THEN IFBEGINthere is the potential to return to the workplace in some capacity as a worker ANDthere is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the same individual or group who found to have bullied the applicantENDTHENthere is a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or groupELSEthere is not a risk that the applicant will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or group
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FF(b)(ii) - likely to continue - change in circumstances PROVIDESthere is change in circumstances ONLY IFthere is the relocation or dismissal of the person or persons named ORthere is the relocation of the applicant ORthere is the introduction of a workplace anti-bullying policy ORthere is the delivery of anti-bullying or other appropriate training ORthere is changes to rosters ORthere is changes to reporting requirements ORa person conducting a business or undertaking introduces changes in the workplace to specifically address the issues around the bullying behaviour
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(2) PROVIDESFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FD(2) applies ONLY IFthe behaviour is reasonable management action carried out in a reasonable manner
GOAL RULE when can the Fair Work Commission dismiss an application? PROVIDESthe Fair Work Commission may dismiss an application ONLY IFFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FE(2) applies ORFair Work Act 2009 - section 587 applies
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 789FE(2) - power to dismiss application PROVIDESFair Work Act 2009 - section 789FE(2) applies ONLY IFthe application of the applicant is an application which might involve matters that relate to Australia's defence ORthe application of the applicant is an application which might involve matters that relate to Australia's defence Australia's national security ORthe application of the applicant is an application which might involve matters that relate to an existing or future covert operation (within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 12E) of the Australian Federal Police ORthe application of the applicant is an application which might involve matters that relate to an existing or future international operation (within the meaning of Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - section 12E) of the Australian Federal Police
RULE Fair Work Act 2009 - section 587 - general power to dismiss application PROVIDESFair Work Act 2009 - section 587 applies ONLY IFthe application is not made in accordance with Fair Work Act 2009 and Fair Work Regulations 2009 ORthe application is frivolous or vexatious ORthere is not reasonable prospects of success
/* Links */LINK access it while TO actually and genuinely TO changes to rosters TO Commonwealth entity, including a Commonwealth Authority or a body corporate incorporated in a Territory TO exposure to the chance of injury or loss which is real and not simply conceptual TO frivolous or vexatious TO more than one occurrence TO providing goods or services for payment TO reasonable management action carried out in a reasonable manner TO reasonable prospects of success TO regardless of TO the introduction of a workplace anti-bullying policy TO the possibility of danger to health and safety TO the potential to return to the workplace in some capacity as a worker TO the same individual or group who found to have bullied TO unreasonably towards TO work in any capacity for TO a body corporate established for a public purpose by or under a law of the Commonwealth TO a body corporate incorporated under a law of the Commonwealth or a State or a Territory TO a business or undertaking within the meaning TO a corporation formed outside of Australia which employs an employee to work in its business in Australia TO a corporation which borrows and lends or otherwise deals in finance as its principal or characteristic activity TO a substantial cause of the risk viewed in a common sense and practical way TO a sufficiently significant proportion of overall activities TO a sufficiently significant proportion of the activities TO

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