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-- JonathanMo - 14 Sep 2015

Useful organisations

A number of organisations either collect copyright fees, or deal extensively in copyright issues, including assistance with getting copyright clearances arranged.

The ACC is a major source of advice and assistance. Its staff includes specialist lawyers who can provide free advice on copyright and related areas of law. It also publishes information sheets on particular aspects of the law for specific user groups. Many of the ACC's information sheets can be found at the website This is a particularly useful site with references to recent papers on issues such as moral rights or the digital agenda amendments.

PO Box 1986, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

Tel: 02 9318 1788 Fax: 02 9698 3538



CAL is an association of copyright owners of print material. It is largely involved with the issuing of licences to educational institutions. It is in contact with a number of similar overseas organisations, and can help collect money from outside Australia.

Level 19, 157 Liverpool St, Sydney, NSW 2000

Tel: 02 9394 7600 Fax: 02 9394 7601



This Society operates in similar fashion to CAL, but deals with licensing educational institutions for off-air copying of television and radio broadcasts. Contact details are:

Level 3, 156 Military Rd, NeutralBay, NSW

PO Box 1248, NeutralBay, NSW 2089

Tel: 02 9904 0133 Fax: 02 9904 0498



Australasian Performing Rights Association (APRA)

APRA is an association of authors, composers, music publishers and other music copyright owners. APRA distributes money collected through licensing radio and television stations, as well as most hotels, clubs etc where recorded music is played to the public.

6-12 Atchison St, St Leonards, NSW

Locked Bag 3665, St Leonards NSW 2065

Tel: 02 9935 7900 Fax: 02 9935 7999


Phonographic Performance Company of Australia (PPCA)

PPCA performs a similar function to APRA on behalf of copyright owners in sound recordings. The licences issued by PPCA cover public performances and broadcasts.

263 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW

Box Q20 QVB Post Office, Sydney, NSW 1230

Tel: 02 9267 7877 Fax: 02 9264 5589


AMCOS is made up of music publishers. AMCOS administers on their behalf the recordings of music and music on film or video. It also operates a licensing system for schools to allow copying of sheet music. AMCOS also has reciprocal arrangements with overseas organisations.

6-12 Atchison Street, St Leonards, NSW

Locked Bag 3456, St Leonards NSW 2065

Tel: 02 9935 7900 Fax: 02 9935 7714



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