Critical constitutional analysis by the CRU

50 recent changes in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique Web retrieved at 12:49 (AEDT)

TheJudiciousnessOfAdvisingTheGovernorGeneral in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
‘An unprecedented, extensive and unconventional relationship between a High Court judge and a governor general during a constitutional crisis’? Really? Such was t...
AustraliaMayLeadTheWorldButTheWorldCantBreatheFreelyYet in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
It is rare for the world to be watching when the High Court of Australia makes a decision. But so it was yesterday with British American Tobacco Australasia Limit...
PrayersInParliamentAndTheConstitution in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
Luke Beck, a CRU Associate, has contributed the following post about prayer in the Commonwealth Parliament: From time to time there are calls for Parliament to s...
WebPreferences in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique Web Preferences General settings * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * Set WEBSUMMARY = Critical constitutional analysis by the CRU * ...
BlogEntry in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
Category in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
ClassifiedTopic in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
ElectoralDisclosureLawsAndTheThomsonAffair in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
The Australian Electoral Commission today released its analysis of the Fair Work Australia report into Mr Thomson. The AEC’s analysis (which can be found here: ht...
EntrenchingRacialDiscriminationTheProposedConstitutionalisationOfNotSoSpecialMeasures in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
Jess Natoli, one of the CRU’s student interns, has been researching the application of ‘special measures’ in the context of the proposals of the Expert Panel on t...
LongToReignOverUsButHowMuchDoWeKnowAboutWhatTheQueenDoes in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
As the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is celebrated over the next month, much will be written about how she has ‘never put a foot wrong’. But how do we know? What do we ...
ParliamentsAbjectSurrenderToTheExecutive in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
In days of old, when Legislative Councils were appointed bodies, Labor Governments would try to swamp them with suicide squads of Members who once appointed would...
SeoTopic in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
TheExpulsionOrSuspensionOfFederalMPs in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
Could the Federal Parliament expel or suspend Craig Thomson or Peter Slipper? The House of Representatives could suspend either of them – but not expel them. This...
TheLetterSAGatewayToSelfDetermination in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
In this blog, Ellen Joy, one of the CRU’s interns, discusses the significance of the use of the term ‘peoples’ in the constitutional amendment proposed by the Exp...
TheUSSupremeCourtAndObamacareSurprisesAllRound in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
National Federation of Independent Business, et al., v. Sebelius (USSC 28 June, 2012). Yesterday morning (Washington time), as Australians slept, the United Stat...
TheValidityOfSamesexMarriageInTasmania in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
Does the Tasmanian Parliament have the power to pass a law permitting same sex marriage? The short answer is ‘Yes’. But the more difficult question is whether tha...
TopCategory in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
UsingRepresentativeGovernmentToBypassRepresentativeGovernment in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
CRU Associate, Amanda Sapienza, writes as follows about the Commonwealth’s legislative response to the Williams case: A court decides that government activity is ...
WebAtom in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
* Set VIEW_TEMPLATE = Applications.AtomView * Set FILTER = TopicType=~'\bBlogEntry\b' * Set LIMIT = 10 * Set CACHEABLE = on * Set CACHEEXPIRE = 1d ...
WebBottomBar in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
WebBottomBar Default WebBottomBar component. Please do not modify. Use .WebBottomBar instead. %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then=' %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBL...
WebChanges in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
System in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
WebLeftBar in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
WebNotify in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
WebNotify * .WikiGuest example #64;
WebRss in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
* Set VIEW_TEMPLATE = Applications.RssView * Set FILTER = TopicType=~'\bBlogEntry\b' * Set LIMIT = 10 * Set CACHEABLE = on * Set SKIN = rss
WebSearch in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
WebSideBar in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
WebTagCloud in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
WebTagList in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
WebTopicEditTemplate in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
WebTopicList in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
Welcome in Sandbox/ConstitutionalCritique
Welcome to the Constitutional Reform Unit’s blog. We intend to use this blog to alert people to the research that is being conducted by the CRU and any events and...
32 topic(s) found

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