6.2.1 General form

Cite essays in edited books and texts where each chapter has an identified author in accordance with this rule where a specific chapter or part of the text is being referred to.

The format is essentially the same as for referencing texts, but includes the author of the essay or chapter, followed by the title of the essay or chapter in double quotation marks, before the citation of the text. Give the page on which the essay or chapter begins after the citation to the text.

The general form is therefore as follows:
Element Author Title of essay followed by “in” Citation of text Page on which the essay begins PinpointSorted ascending
Rule 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6
Example Robin Cooke “Tort and Contract” in PD Finn (ed) Essays on Contract (Law Book Company, Sydney, 1987) 222 at 229
Eg Robin Cooke “Tort and Contract” in PD Finn (ed) Essays on Contract (Law Book Company, Sydney, 1987) 222 at 229.
Eg Jessica Palmer “Constructive Trusts” in Andrew Butler (ed) Equity and Trusts in New Zealand (2nd ed, Thomson Reuters, Wellington, 2009) 335 at 339.

If the text is being referred to generally without reference to any specific essay or chapter, cite the text in accordance with rule 6.1.
Eg Michael Taggart (ed) The Province of Administrative Law (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 1997).

6.2.2 Author

Give the name of the essay or chapter author in accordance with rule 6.1.2.

When citing a collection of essays all written and edited by the same author, do not give the author’s name twice. Give the author’s name before the title of the essay; do not repeat the author’s name as the editor of the text.
Eg John Finnis “Practical Reason’s Foundations” in Reason in Action: Collected Essays Volume 1 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011) 19 at 37.

6.2.3 Title of essay or chapter

Give the essay or chapter title in double quotation marks rather than italics, to distinguish it from the title of the text in which the essay or chapter appears.

6.2.4 Citation of text

The title of the essay or chapter is followed by the name of the editor, title of the book, edition, publisher, place of publication and year of publication. Give all this information in accordance with rules

If a collection of essays or a text where each chapter has an identified author does not have an identified editor, give the authors of the essays or chapters as the authors of the book. In accordance with rule 6.1.2(e), list all authors if there are three or fewer or only the first author if there are more than three.
Eg Scott Optican “Search and Seizure” in Paul Rishworth and others The New Zealand Bill of Rights (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 2003) 418 at 425.

6.2.5 Starting page

Give the page of the book on which the essay or chapter being cited begins before the pinpoint reference.

6.2.6 Pinpoint reference

(a) Generally

A pinpoint reference for an essay in an edited book or a text where each chapter has an identified author may be to a page or, if the essay or chapter has paragraphs, to the paragraph.

(b) Footnotes

When giving a pinpoint reference to a footnote or endnote, give the reference to the paragraph or page in which the footnote or endnote appears followed by a comma and “n x” where “x” is the number of the footnote or endnote.
Eg Gareth Jones “A Topography of the Law of Restitution” in PD Finn (ed) Essays on Restitution (Law Book Company, Sydney, 1990) 1 at 19, n 108.

(c) Subsequent citations

If another essay or chapter from the edited book has already been cited, cite the details of the edited book again in full. Subsequent references to an essay or chapter from an edited book should refer to the first instance in which the particular essay or chapter is cited (rather than the first instance in which the edited book is cited).

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