internal package Foswiki::Render::Anchors

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internal package Foswiki::Render::Anchors

Support for rendering anchors. Objects of this class represent a set of generated anchor names, which must be unique in a rendering context (topic). The renderer maintains a set of these objects, one for each topic, to ensure that anchor names are not re-used.

ClassMethod new()

Construct a new anchors set.

ObjectMethod clear()

Clear the anchor set. Clearing the anchor set will cause it to forget any anchors generated to date.

ObjectMethod add($text) → $name

Add a new anchor to the set. Return the name that was added. Note that if a name is added twice, it isn't an error, but only the one name is added.

ObjectMethod addUnique($text [,$alreadyMade]) → $uniqueName

Add a new anchor to the set. if it's already present, rename it.

If $alreadyMade, then $text is assumed to be a valid anchor name that was made by make.

Return the name that was added.

StaticMethod make( $text ) → $name

Make an anchor name from some text, subject to:
  1. Given the same text, this function must always return the same anchor name
  2. NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods ("."). (from

The making process tranforms an arbitrary text string to a string that can legally be used for an HTML anchor.

ObjectMethod makeHTMLTarget($name) → $id

Make an id that can be used as the target of links.

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