internal package Foswiki::Tables::Row

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internal package Foswiki::Tables::Row

Abstract model of a table row, suitable for use with the tables parser.

ClassMethod new($table, $precruft, $postcruft [, \@cols]) → $row

Construct a new table row, associated with the given table.
  • $table - the table the row is associated with
  • $precruft - text found before the opening | at the start of the row
  • $postcruft - text found after the closing | at the end of the row
  • $cols - optional array ref of values used to populate the row.

Note that $postcruft and $precruft should not include the |.

ClassMethod cell_class() → $classname

Perl class used for table cells (default Foswiki::Tables::Cell)

ObjectMethod getID() → $id

Generate a unique string ID that uniquely identifies this row within a topic.

ObjectMethod isHeader() → $boolean

Determine if this row meets the criteria for a header row (or set it as a header row)

ObjectMethod isFooter([$boolean]) → $boolean

Determine if this row meets the criteria for a footer row (or set it as a footer row)

ObjectMethod finish()

Clean up for disposal

ObjectMethod number([$set]) → $number

Setter/getter for the row number. The row number uniquely identifies the row within the context of a table. The row number is undef until it is set by some external agency (e.g. the table)

ObjectMethod stringify()

Generate a TML representation of the row

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