50 recent changes in ACTEnvLawHbk Web retrieved at 05:39 (AEDT)
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Australian Capital Territory Environmental Law Handbook ACT Environmental Law Handbook Edited by Camilla Taylor Note: The information contained herein is a re...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
ACTLawHbkWebBottomBar Default ACTLawHbkWebBottomBar component. Please do not modify. Use .ACTLawHbkWebBottomBar instead. %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then=' ...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
WebBottomBar Default WebBottomBar component. Please do not modify. Use .WebBottomBar instead. %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then=' %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBL...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Publishing Details Publisher: AdminUser Date: 13 Nov 2017 00:58 Dir: /home/www/foswiki/pub/publish/ URL: http://austlii.community/foswiki/pub/publish// Web(s): ...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
ACTEnvLawHbk Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = off * s...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% * Table of contents About the Handbook The ACT Environmental Law Handbook Online ('the Handbook') has been developed as an ...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Risks of taking action—criminal charges Introduction Protest is not uncommon in Canberra city, the site of the Commonwealth Parliament. If you are charged with c...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Review in ACAT or the ACT Supreme Court Under section 136D of the Act an 'eligible person' may apply to the ACAT for review of a decision of the EPA. An eligible ...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Commonwealth heritage protection Introduction There are a number of different types of heritage protection in Commonwealth legislation relating to: * World H...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
ACT heritage protection The
Heritage Act 2004 (ACT) (‘Heritage Act’) provides a comprehensive scheme for the recognition, registration and protection of heritage ...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Management plans Public land in the ACT must be managed by a ‘public land management plan’ (Planning Act s 318). There are two different types of public land mana...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Protecting trees under the Act Tree management precincts and regulated trees The minister is responsible for determining the criteria for declaring an area be a ...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Conclusion This chapter has provided an introduction to the legislative provisions framing some interactions with biodiversity in the ACT. Natural resource manage...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Protecting biodiversity The Nature Conservation Act requires a number of plans to be prepared to assist with the protection of biodiversity, as well as creating a...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Identifying species and communities at risk Threatened native species, ecological communities and key threatening processes Part 4.1 of the Nature Conservation A...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Mechanisms for protecting biodiversity National policy development Australia’s first national biodiversity strategy, developed to fulfil Australia’s obligations ...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Commonwealth EPBC Act Introduction Activities or development undertaken in the ACT may trigger the operation of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conse...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Assessment of development proposals Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a document that assists the ACT government an...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Development approvals Most development applications are determined by ACTPLA. ACTPLA can decide to approve a development as per the DA, or it may decide to approv...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Development applications to ACTPLA Introduction In the ACT the development of land which is not within a designated area under the NCP is managed by ACTPLA. ACTP...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Commonwealth planning responsibility The Commonwealth’s planning responsibility relates to Canberra as the National Capital. It is established through the NCP, wh...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Parliament and legislation Power to make laws The Commonwealth Parliament has power to make laws only in relation to those subject matters that are outlined in t...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Contents ACT government agencies ACT Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment Post: GPO Box 158, Canberra ACT 2601 Phone: (02) 6207 2626 Fax: (02) 62...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Conclusion By taking action to protect the environment, groups and individuals directly confront ingrained values and behaviours of self interest, apathy and gree...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Risks of speaking out—defamation What is defamation? Defamation occurs when a ‘publication’ (see below) identifies a person and conveys a meaning that tends to: ...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Legal remedies Internal review (or review within the agency) If you are unhappy with a government or agency response or decision, the first step is usually to co...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Access to information There are many sources of public information that may be of assistance when taking action. Clues to corporate decision making can be found b...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Finding like minded people What makes some people decide to take action on environmental issues? There are different reasons people get together, including the de...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Introduction Canberra is a transient base for politicians from the States and Territories. Accordingly, it attracts a large number of lobbyists, think tanks and b...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Conclusion In comparison to other Australian jurisdictions, ACT laws are quite progressive in response to climate change and the promotion of renewable energy. Ho...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Climate change and the law Introduction In the ACT, the problem of climate change raises a host of complex, interconnected issues of energy supply and use, trans...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Water and sustainability law Water and ACT planning law In order to improve the water efficiency of residential, commercial and industrial developments in the AC...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Sustainability in ACT planning law Introduction A key way in which sustainability issues intersect with the law concerns their treatment under planning and devel...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Sustainability and the law Sustainability is most often understood in relation to the principles of ecologically sustainable development (ESD), which can be broad...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Introduction The most recent ACT State of the Environment Report (2011) found that in the ACT, ‘Our city, our economy and our society rely on the environment. How...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Introduction Any given morning at around 5am the noise from the back of the commercial premises and laneway can be heard loudly from your new apartment. What can ...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Trees not protected under the Tree Protection Act Introduction As previously noted, the Tree Protection Act only provides protection for trees on land in built u...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Neighbours' trees Trees commonly cause problems between neighbours in residential areas because of the spread of branches or roots from one property to another. T...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Trees on national land and designated areas The complex, dual system of land management and control in the ACT is outlined in Chapter 2 of this Handbook. Simplist...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Conclusion As this brief overview shows, both territory and Commonwealth heritage schemes apply in the ACT. There is legislation governing heritage places and obj...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Introduction Heritage is generally understood as those unique places and objects that are valued by communities for their historic, spiritual, cultural, ecologica...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Acknowledgements The EDO ACT wishes to express its thanks and gratitude for the valuable work and contribution of the many volunteers who assisted in the making o...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Preface This is the third edition of the ACT Environmental Law Handbook to be published by the Environmental Defenders’ Office of the ACT (EDO ACT). It is an up t...
in ACTEnvLawHbk
Millions have lived without love. None has lived without water. Old Turkish proverb Introduction Our future prosperity depends on the wise management of our most...
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