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50 recent changes in Archive/ACTLawHbk Web retrieved at 06:09 (AEDT)

AdministrativeLaw in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Contributor: Andrew Klein DLA Phillips Fox Currency of information: November 2009 This Chapter on Administrative Law draws upon material in the...
AdministrativeLawAdministrativeAppealsTribunal in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Administrative Appeals Tribunal Review by the AAT The Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is established under the Administrat...
AdministrativeLawAdministrativeTribunals in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Administrative Tribunals Merits Review of Administrative Decisions People who have been affected by decisions of the Commonwealth or ACT Gove...
AdministrativeLawContactsLinksAndResources in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Contacts, Links and Resources Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Administrative Review Council (ARC)
ArrestBailAndCourtProcesses in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Arrest, Bail and Court Processes Contributor: Melinda Smith Currency of information: May 2010 Citizen's Arrest Citizen's Arrest (The following is adapted from m...
ConsumersAndContracts in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts Contributor: Nick Seddon Currency of information: January 2011 The Law of Contract A contract is a legally binding agreement between two ...
ConsumersAndContractsAustralianConsumerLaw in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts Australian Consumer Law Introduction The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA...
ConsumersAndContractsComplaintsAndAlternativeDisputeResolutionSchemes in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts Complaints and Alternative Dispute Resolution Schemes An alternative to the traditional court/tribunal system is to utilise private dispu...
ConsumersAndContractsConsumerGuarantees in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts Consumer Guarantees Minimum Standards for Retail Sales of Goods or Services The Australian Consumer Law ('the ACL') contains consumer gu...
ConsumersAndContractsContactsLinksResourcesAndReferences in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts Contacts, Links, Resources and References There are many agencies operated by both the Commonwealth and ACT governments responsible for t...
ConsumersAndContractsTheTermsOfAContract in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts The Terms of a Contract What are the Terms of a Contract? Before entering into a contract, various statements will often be made by the ...
DisabilityAndGuardianship in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Disability and Guardianship Contributor: Nick Seddon Currency of information: January 2009 This Chapter on Disability and Guardianship draws upon material in the ...
EmploymentLaw in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Employment Law Contributor: DLA Phillips Fox Currency of information: January 2011 NOTE: This chapter reflects the Fair Work provisions which commenced on 1 July ...
FreedomOfInformation in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Freedom of Information Contributor: Melinda Smith Currency of information: March 2010 NOTE: This Chapter does not cover the new Commonwealth Office of the Informa...
FreedomOfInformationFreedomOfInformationAtCommonwealthLevel in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Freedom of Information Freedom of Information at Commonwealth Level The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (the Commonwealth FOI Act) is the main piece of leg...
FreedomOfInformationOverview in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Freedom of Information Overview The concept of Freedom of Information refers to a citizen's right to obtain information from government affecting him or her. In ...
HealthLawAccess in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Health Law Access to Medical Records and Confidentiality Medical Records Legislation Patients who have been treated in public hospitals do not have an automatic...
HealthLawBeginning in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Health Law Beginning of Life Issues Abortion Abortion is no longer a crime in the ACT if performed by a registered medical practitioner, in a medical facility a...
HealthLawComplaints in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Health Law Complaints, Whistleblowing and Initiating Litigation Complaints and Whistle Blowing A complaint about a health care provider in the ACT can be made d...
ImmigrationRefugeesAndCitizenshipCompliance in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Compliance Unlawful Non Citizens Anyone who is not an Australian citizen and enters or remains in Australia without a vali...
ImmigrationRefugeesAndCitizenshipContactsLinksAndResources in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Contacts, Links and Resources Administrative Appeals Tribunal Commonwealth Ombudsman Mi...
Neighbours in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Neighbours Contributor: Dr Nicolas Seddon Currency of information: July 2009 Resolving the Neighbour Disputes Living in close quarters with our neighbours is not...
ResidentialTenancyLaw in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Residential Tenancy Law Contributor: Deborah Pippen Currency of information: March 2006 Introduction Private residential tenancies and public housing tenancies i...
TheElementsOfContract in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Elements of Contract Intention to Create Legal Relations A contract does not exist simply because there is an agreement between people. The parties to the agreem...
TheLegalSystemAboriginalAndTorresStraitIslanderLaw in Archive/ACTLawHbk
The Legal System Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Law Indigenous people living in Australia and their descendants have, since time immemorial, observed a va...
TheLegalSystemLawReform in Archive/ACTLawHbk
The Legal System Law Reform The reasons why law changes are many. Often the need for change is expressed and defined by law reform organisations, royal commissio...
System in Archive/ACTLawHbk
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% * ACT Law Handbook * Project Description * Project Partners Project Description The aim of this project is to develop...
WebLeftBar in Archive/ACTLawHbk
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
WebNotify in Archive/ACTLawHbk
* .WikiGuest
WebPreferences in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Archive/ACTLawHbk Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = off *...
WebRss in Archive/ACTLawHbk
" else="AustLII Communities's Archive/ACTLawHbk web"}% /Archive/ACTLawHbk
WillsIntestaciesEstatesAndFunerals in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Contributors: Bonnie Allan and Charles Rowland Currency of information: February 2009 In Memoriam LIZ ALLEN This Chapter ...
WillsIntestaciesEstatesAndFuneralsAdminEstates in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Administration of Estates Insolvent Estates If the deceased had more debts than assets (in other words, the estate is i...
WillsIntestaciesEstatesAndFuneralsFamily in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Family Provision The principles relating to family provision are laid down in the Family Provision Act 1969 (ACT) ('the ...
WillsIntestaciesEstatesAndFuneralsFunerals in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Funerals, Burial and Cremation in the Act Sources of the Law Governing Funerals, Burial and Cremation in the ACT The ma...
WillsIntestaciesEstatesAndFuneralsGlossary in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Glossary of Legal Words used Administration and Probate Act means the Administration and Probate Act 1929 (ACT). Adminis...
WillsIntestaciesEstatesAndFuneralsHow in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals How the Law of Succession May Involve You You may become affected by the law of succession in various ways: * when yo...
WillsIntestaciesEstatesAndFuneralsThings in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Things to do before Death There are some things a person can do to reduce the difficulties and expense of administration...
WillsIntestaciesEstatesAndFuneralsWills in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Wills, Intestacies, Estates and Funerals Wills The Need for a Will Generally wills have to be in writing and properly signed and witnessed in the precise way la...
ACTLawHandbook in Archive/ACTLawHbk
ACT Law Handbook Live pages marked with asterix * Society and the Legal System * Australian Government and Society * The Legal System* * Fundamental ...
AdministrativeLawACTCivilAndAdministrativeTribunal in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal Review by the ACAT On 2 February 2009, the ACT Administrative Appeals Tribunal was consolidated into th...
AdministrativeLawAdministrativeLaw in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Administrative Law What is "Administrative Law"? Administrative law is, broadly, the area of law which enables challenges to be made to admin...
AdministrativeLawCommonwealthAndACTOmbudsman in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Commonwealth and ACT Ombudsman Roles and Powers of the Ombudsman The office of Commonwealth Ombudsman was established by the Ombudsman Act 19...
AdministrativeLawFreedomOfInformation in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Freedom of Information Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) Information held by Commonwealth government departments and agencies may be obta...
AdministrativeLawJudicialReview in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Administrative Law Judicial Review What is "Judicial Review"? Judicial review is different from a statutory appeal on the merits or a complaint to the Ombudsman...
BuyingOrSellingACar in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Buying or Selling a Car Contributor: Nick Seddon Currency of information: January 2011 Introduction Several areas of law relate to buying a car. These include th...
CommunityOrganisations in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Community Organisations Contributor: Professor Stephen Bottomley Currency of information: April 2009 Introduction It is common for people who share common intere...
ConsumersAndContractsECommerceAndOnlineShopping in Archive/ACTLawHbk
Consumers and Contracts E Commerce and Online Shopping Introduction There are no laws in Australia that specifically deal with online shopping. Legally the same...
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