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50 recent changes in NZACCLawHbk Web retrieved at 08:26 (AEDT)

MentalInjuryCausedBySpecifiedOffences in NZACCLawHbk
Mental injury caused by certain listed offences and There are 23 offences listed in Schedule 3 of the Accident Compensation Act that describe offender behaviour...
AccidentalDeath in NZACCLawHbk
Accidental death and Cover If someone has suffered a fatal injury, then ACC will pay compensation to a partner of the deceased, and to dependent children. In t...
Entitlements in NZACCLawHbk
Entitlements and Ambulance and emergency care Taking an ambulance to the hospital If you are injured and need to get to a hospital quickly, you may need to ca...
CoverageForInjuriesIncurredOutsideOfNewZealand in NZACCLawHbk
Coverage for injuries incurred outside of New Zealand and If you are injured outside of New Zealand If you are injured whilst on a trip outside of New Zealand ...
WorkRelatedInjuries in NZACCLawHbk
Work related injuries and ACC has different rules about whether or not an injury will be covered, depending on whether or not the injury is "work related". Def...
WebPreferences in NZACCLawHbk
NZACCLawHbk Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set...
NZACCLawHandbook in NZACCLawHbk
New Zealand Accident Compensation Law Handbook Welcome to the New Zealand Accident Compensation Law Handbook A guidebook for self represented litigants. More in...
MakingAClaim in NZACCLawHbk
Making a claim and Qualifying for a claim The following flowcharts summarise the process: * Pregnancy * Mental injury * Medical injury * Heart atta...
AppealsAndComplaints in NZACCLawHbk
Appeals, complaints and dispute resolution and Code of ACC claimants' rights The Code of ACC Claimants' Rights helps to guide the way that ACC deals with your ...
KiwiSaver in NZACCLawHbk
Main.JudiEathorneGould 08 Jul 2019
WebBottomBar in NZACCLawHbk
WebBottomBar Default WebBottomBar component. Please do not modify. Use .WebBottomBar instead. %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then=' %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBL...
PublishPluginHistory in NZACCLawHbk
Publishing Details Publisher: AdminUser Date: 30 Jun 2017 00:54 Dir: /home/www/foswiki/pub/publish/ URL: Web(s): ...
TreatmentInjury in NZACCLawHbk
Treatment injury and Treatment injuries can be found at sections 32 and 33 of the Accident Compensation Act 2001 Scope Of 'Treatment' Treatment is a wide term,...
Pregnancy in NZACCLawHbk
Pregnancy and Circumstances that are covered ACC can provide cover in two distinct circumstances: 1 Where a pregnancy occurs as a result of a rape section...
GradualProcessInjury in NZACCLawHbk
Gradual process and An accident cannot be a gradual process. Gradual process injuries are conditions that develop over time. Typically an accident is described ...
Glossary in NZACCLawHbk
Glossary and $ Case Manager: A case manager deals with claims where a case is more intensive and requires more in depth case management. $ Claims Manager:...
HavingYourInsuranceCompanyTakeOverYourAppeal in NZACCLawHbk
Having your insurance company take over your appeal and If your application for cover from ACC is declined, and you have private insurance, that insurance compa...
VisitorsToNewZealand in NZACCLawHbk
Visitors to New Zealand and If you are injured when you are visiting New Zealand ACC may be able to help pay for your treatment and the costs of rehabilitating ...
System in NZACCLawHbk
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% * Table of contents About the Handbook The New Zealand Accident Compensation Law Handbook ('the Handbook') has been develop...
WebAtom in NZACCLawHbk
AustLII Communities's NZACCLawHbk web
WebLeftBar in NZACCLawHbk
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
WebNotify in NZACCLawHbk
* .WikiGuest
WebRss in NZACCLawHbk
" else="AustLII Communities's NZACCLawHbk web"}% /NZACCLawHbk
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