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50 recent changes in NZLawSG Web retrieved at 12:50 (AEDT)

System in NZLawSG
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% * Table of contents About the Guide NZLII is pleased to be the new home for the New Zealand Law Style Guide. This is the t...
NZLawStyleGuide in NZLawSG
New Zealand Law Style Guide Welcome to the New Zealand Law Style Guide More information can be found on the Project page. * Preface to the Third Edition * P...
SecondaryMaterials in NZLawSG
6 SECONDARY MATERIALS 6.1 Texts 6.1.1 General form The format for citing texts is as follows: Element Author Title Edition Publisher Place of publi...
RequestsUnderOfficialInformationAct in NZLawSG
5.3 REQUESTS UNDER THE OFFICIAL INFORMATION ACT 1982 The format for citing requests under the Official Information Act 1982 is as follows: Element Citation ...
PrefaceSecondEdition in NZLawSG
Preface to the Second Edition The first edition of the New Zealand Law Style Guide was published in late 2009. It would be going too far to say it was a runaway b...
PapersAndReports in NZLawSG
: 5.4 PAPERS AND REPORTS Cite papers and reports in the style of texts. This rule may also be used for non governmental papers and reports, for example company an...
UnitedKingdomLegis in NZLawSG
9.4 UNITED KINGDOM 9.4.1 Pre 1963 statutes Cite pre 1963 United Kingdom legislation, as well as imperial legislation, as follows: Element Short title Yea...
PressReleases in NZLawSG
7.4 PRESS RELEASES 7.4.1 General form The format for citing press releases is as follows: Element Author Title of press release Description of documen...
Newspaper in NZLawSG
7.2 NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES 7.2.1 General form The general format for citing newspaper and popular magazine articles (other than academic journals) is as...
NeutralCitation in NZLawSG
3.3 NEUTRAL CITATION Element Case name Year Court identifier Judgment number Pinpoint reference Example Attorney General v X 2007 ...
DecisionsOfInternationalCourts in NZLawSG
10.2 DECISIONS OF INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS 10.2.1 International Court of Justice and Permanent Court of International Justice The following general for...
InternationalArbitralDecisions in NZLawSG
10.3 INTERNATIONAL ARBITRAL DECISIONS 10.3.1 Reported decisions Reported international arbitral decisions are cited in the same way as decisions of the ICJ. The ...
MajorChangesInTheThirdEdition in NZLawSG
Major Changes in the Third Edition The major changes in the third edition are of three types. First, the third edition provides clarification of the existing rule...
JournalArticles in NZLawSG
6.4 JOURNAL ARTICLES 6.4.1 General form The format for citing journal articles is as follows: Element Author Article title Year Volume number Jo...
EnglandAndWales in NZLawSG
8.4 ENGLAND AND WALES 8.4.1 Modern English reports (a) Official reports The official reports for England and Wales are called the Law Reports and are published b...
Canada in NZLawSG
8.3 CANADA 8.3.1 Report series (a) Official reports The current official report series for the Supreme Court of Canada is the Canada Supreme Court Reports (SCR)....
CrossReferencing in NZLawSG
2.3 CROSS REFERENCING 2.3.1 Subsequent references to a cited source Subsequent references to sources already cited should be given in accordance with the guidan...
Bills in NZLawSG
4.2 BILLS 4.2.1 General form The format for citing Bills is as follows: Element Short title Year of introduction Bill number Bar number Referenc...
Appendix3 in NZLawSG
APPENDIX 3: CANADIAN OFFICIAL REPORT SERIES AND NEUTRAL CITATIONS For guidance on citation of Canadian cases, see rule 8.3. Official reports The following is a li...
SubjectIndex in NZLawSG
INDEX References are to paragraph numbers or to the Appendices. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z ...
Appendix4 in NZLawSG
APPENDIX 4: ENGLAND AND WALES OFFICIAL REPORT SERIES AND NEUTRAL CITATIONS For guidance on citation of decisions from England and Wales, see rule 8.4. Official re...
Appendix2 in NZLawSG
APPENDIX 2: AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL REPORT SERIES AND NEUTRAL CITATIONS For guidance on citation of Australia cases, see rule 8.2. OFFICIAL REPORT SERIES The followin...
LegislationFromSpecificJurisdictions in NZLawSG
9 LEGISLATION FROM SPECIFIC JURISDICTIONS 9.1 General rules In general, follow the rules set out in chapter 4 when citing legislation from overseas jurisdictions...
CasesFromSpecificJurisdictions in NZLawSG
8 CASES FROM SPECIFIC JURISDICTIONS 8.1 GENERAL RULES Where possible, follow the rules set out in chapter 3 when citing cases from overseas jurisdictions. This ...
GeneralRules in NZLawSG
2 GENERAL RULES: FOOTNOTES AND THE CITATION OF SOURCES 2.1 GENERAL 2.1.1 General rules for citation The guiding principle of the rules that follow is that, whe...
Appendix6 in NZLawSG
APPENDIX 6: COURT RULES RELATING TO STYLE This appendix highlights the most important rules relating to style in the superior courts at the date of publication of...
Appendix7 in NZLawSG
APPENDIX 7: ADDITIONAL STYLE RULES FOR UNIVERSITY WORK This is designed as a beginning point from which individual institutions may require students to depart. We...
Appendix5 in NZLawSG
APPENDIX 5: TABLE OF REGNAL YEARS Abbreviation Monarch Years of Reign Will I William I the Conqueror 14 October 1066–9 September 1087 Wi...
Appendix1 in NZLawSG
APPENDIX 1: IDENTIFIERS FOR New Zealand COURTS AND TRIBUNALS Use the following identifiers for New Zealand courts. Court Court identifier Supreme Court ...
InternationalEconomicMaterials in NZLawSG
10.6 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC MATERIALS 10.6.1 General form for official documents of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Element Title Document number D...
EuropeanMaterials in NZLawSG
10.5 EUROPEAN MATERIALS When dealing with European materials, it is important to distinguish between cases from the Court of Justice of the European Union (former...
UnitedNationsMaterials in NZLawSG
10.4 UNITED NATIONS MATERIALS 10.4.1 General form for constitutive documents of the United Nations The general form for citing constitutive documents of the Unit...
InternationalMaterials in NZLawSG
10 INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS Cite international materials in accordance with the rules given below. As this is a general guide, it only provides information on how ...
GovernmentPublications in NZLawSG
5.2 GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 5.2.1 Cabinet documents The format for citing cabinet documents is as follows: Element Document identifier Title Date of d...
HistoricMaterials in NZLawSG
7.7 HISTORICAL MATERIALS 7.7.1 Edited or translated texts Citations to edited or translated versions of historical texts should provide both the author’s name an...
UnitedStatesLegis in NZLawSG
9.5 UNITED STATES 9.5.1 Codes United States statutes are collated into codes according to subject matter. Code references are the official citations. Element ...
CanadaLegis in NZLawSG
9.3 CANADA 9.3.1 Statutes Cite Canadian statutes as follows: Element Short title Volume Jurisdiction Year Chapter Pinpoint reference Examples ...
AustraliaLegis in NZLawSG
9.2 AUSTRALIA Cite Australian statutes in the same manner as New Zealand statutes. However, it is necessary to include the jurisdiction of the statute after its t...
UnitedStates in NZLawSG
8.6 UNITED STATES 8.6.1 Mode of citation (a) Year of decision Cite cases from the United States as consistently as possible with the general rules in this guide ...
Scotland in NZLawSG
8.5 SCOTLAND 8.5.1 Citation of cases reported in law reports (a) Year and brackets When citing a Scottish case, the year is included if it is an essential part o...
Australia in NZLawSG
8.2 AUSTRALIA 8.2.1 Report series (a) Official report series The official report series for High Court of Australia decisions is the Commonwealth Law Reports (CL...
LettersAndEmails in NZLawSG
7.6 LETTERS AND EMAILS 7.6.1 General form The format for citing letters and emails is as follows: Element Author Recipient Subject Date Exampl...
Speeches in NZLawSG
7.5 SPEECHES 7.5.1 General form The format for citing speeches is as follows: Element Speaker Title Location Date Example Sian Elias, Chief...
Interviews in NZLawSG
7.3 INTERVIEWS 7.3.1 General form The format for citing interviews is as follows: Element Interviewee Position Interviewer Interview details Dat...
OtherSources in NZLawSG
7 OTHER SOURCES 7.1 Internet materials 7.1.1 General rules The general form for citation of Internet materials, including blogs and working papers published on...
References in NZLawSG
6.9 REFERENCES TO A WORK REFERRED TO IN ANOTHER WORK When referring to a work that is referred to in another work, cite the work that has actually been referred t...
Format in NZLawSG
1.2 Format 1.2.1 Numbered and bulleted lists Where the items in a list are a series of incomplete sentences, separate each item by a semicolon. Do not begin each...
GeneralRulesMainText in NZLawSG
General Rules: Main Text 1.1 Prose 1.1.1 Language (a) Appropriate language Avoid gender specific language unless it is necessary. In particular, avoid terms ...
ForthcomingWorks in NZLawSG
6.8 FORTHCOMING WORKS Cite forthcoming works in accordance with the relevant rule above (rule 6.7). Include as much information as is known. Prior to publication,...
OnlineCommentaries in NZLawSG
6.3 ONLINE COMMENTARIES AND LOOSELEAF TEXTS 6.3.1 General form When citing online commentaries and looseleaf texts, use the following format: Element Editor...
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